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Weekly sheet 06.09.2020

By 5th September 2020Latest News

6th September 2020              
  All Saints Church, Childwall

READ Matthew 18 v15-20

15 “If your brother or sister sins, go and point out their fault, just between the two of you. If they listen to you, you have won them over. 16 But if they will not listen, take one or two others along, so that ‘every matter may be established by the testimony of two or three witnesses.’ 17 If they still refuse to listen, tell it to the church; and if they refuse to listen even to the church, treat them as you would a pagan or a tax collector.18 “Truly I tell you, whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven. 19 “Again, truly I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything they ask for, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven. 20 For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.”

REFLECT: For all of us there are times when we make mistakes and do or say things that are wrong and can cause hurt, upset and even division.  If we are honest we don’t always realise the impact of our actions on other people.  It can often take someone else to point out to us what we have done.  Having worked in a secondary school for 8 years, I remember only too well the reaction you could often get from a student when you saw them misbehaving.   On pointing out to a student what they had just done, you would often hear the response “It wasn’t me”.  This was always followed by you explaining to them that you had just seen and heard exactly what they had done.  You can imagine what their next response would be!

For all of us, even as adults we can often find it difficult to admit when we have done something wrong.

There can be shame and embarrassment and an unwillingness to admit that we need to put things right.

As adults when our actions involve other people our response is not usually “it wasn’t me” but more like “why should I say sorry first”?

Our passage today focuses on sin which is when we go against God’s will and against the teachings of Jesus.  It outlines for us a clear response to help us to admit our wrongdoing, say sorry and seek forgiveness.  The great thing is that we serve a God who is loving and full of mercy and forgives us when we admit our wrongdoing and say sorry.  Within the first 3 verses of our passage we have the word listen used 4 times.  This emphasises the importance of listening to each other and taking time to understand what someone is saying to us.  

Why is it so important to put things right though? Within the context of Church the oneness of our community is essential.  This doesn’t mean we all need to agree with each other on everything, but it does mean that before God we should all work together to strengthen our church community and keep it strong.  This passage finishes with the assurance that God is with us when just 2 or 3 are gathered in his name.  We are currently in a time like never before where large gatherings are not allowed and are not safe for us.  Perhaps we need to re-learn the importance of gathering together in much smaller groups knowing that God is with us despite our numbers being small!  Maybe you could meet with 2 other people at a social distance to share the online service together each week?

RESPOND: To know what sin is we need to know God’s word and the teachings of Jesus!  Take some time to read this passage and as you do ask God to show you any areas of your life, your words or your behaviour that need to change. What do you need to say sorry for, are there people you need to speak to in order to put things right?  It maybe that you would value speaking to another Christian ask God to show you who that person should be in our church family.

PRAY: Lord God, help me to listen to your voice daily, through your word, through your church and through my brothers and sisters in Christ.  Help me to stay close to you and to live as you want me to. Throuh Jesus Christ our Lord.  Amen. 

Andrew Colmer   (Vicar, All Saints Childwall)

Dear Friends,

Youth & Children’s Worker – Gypsey our new Youth & Children’s worker started with us on September 1st.  She is working closely with Helen and is currently completing her induction and initial safeguarding training and orientation.  Please pray for Gypsey and do welcome her and encourage her when you meet her.

Rock Club – Initially there will be no Rock Club provision for our children.  Our numbers are so big it gives us real challenges.  We are working towards starting a programme from the beginning of October with different approaches.  More information will follow soon. 

Boys Brigade Year 1 Recruitment – As our Boys’ Brigade starts to resume some of its activities, the leaders have taken the decision to delay Year 1 recruitment until January 2021.  This will mean the team won’t be looking to welcome new Year 1s into BB until after Christmas so do watch out for updates closer on how your son can become involved.  Until then, be sure to like the Boys’ Brigade brand new Facebook page ( for the latest news and updates.

Services in Church – This Monday 7th September at 8pm we will be having a joint Staff, PCC and Readers meeting when we will be discussing the further re-opening of our church building.  The services have gone well so far and last week using alternate pews only we were almost full with about 65 people attending.  

This Sunday 6th September there will be only one morning service at 10am.  The service will be no longer than 40 minutes and you will need to wear a face mask, gel hands and sign in.  Once you are in church you will need to stay in your pew and if you have children with you they need to be fully supervised at all times.  The creche room will not be open and the pew bags have had to be removed.  After the service has finished you will be directed to leave from the front of church.  Once outside please keep 2m apart.  I am sorry that this is necessary, but it ensures the safety of everyone attending.  

Thursday Communion service at 10.45am – Our Thursday Communion service will restart this Thursday 10th September at the usual time of 10.45am.  Everyone will need to wear face masks and gel hands and sign in.  If you have missed coming to a Communion service, why not join us when the numbers will be a lot lower than on a Sunday. There will be no shared cup and I will be using wafers only which I will distribute with a pair of tongs whilst wearing a mask.  The service will last for about 40mins and initially we will not be able to serve any tea and coffee afterwards like we normally would.  

Church hall  Our Church hall has reopened for All Saints Playgroup only initially.  We feel that it is wise to let the schools go back first before we open the hall more fully.  We will review this decision at the end of September with the view to opening the hall more after the autumn half-term.

Church rotas  Currently many areas of church life are all on hold as we plan and review everything week by week.  I am very conscious that many of you would normally be involved as Sidespersons, musicians, leading & preaching at services, cleaning teams, tea & coffee and many other areas.  We are in exceptional times and as we are able to open up more fully, we will reinstate our regular rotas and areas of service. Weekly Prayer requests – If you would like other members of our church family to pray for you or afamily member, please send me their names for this sheet, please ask permission from the person.  We pray for all those who are unwell at this time particularly for Alan McClelland.

WEEKLY PRAYER MEETING – Weekly prayer meeting Thursday 6.30pm on Zoom. Why not join a group of us at All Saints that pray regularly. It lasts 40 minutes, you can pray, sit and listen or just contemplate. 
Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 798 5378 2379    Password: 7VUQh6        Aidan Holmes

Zoom coffee  Please note change of time to 11.15am for 40 mins – remember to bring your own coffee!  Details for Zoom coffee are as follows:

Zoom Coffee – every Sunday at 11.15am Meeting ID: 842 767 1496   Password: 4allsaints

With our prayers for you all at this time

Andrew Colmer – Vicar – Tel: 07305 842257 –

Helen Deegan – Curate – Tel: 07984 933467 –

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