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Weekly sheet 18.10.2020

By 17th October 2020Latest News

18th October 2020                                                                    All Saints Church, Childwall

READ: Matthew 22:15/22 – ‘15 Then the Pharisees went out and laid plans to trap him in his words. 16 They sent their disciples to him along with the Herodians. “Teacher,” they said, “we know that you are a man of integrity and that you teach the way of God in accordance with the truth. You aren’t swayed by others, because you pay no attention to who they are. 17 Tell us then, what is your opinion? Is it right to pay the imperial tax to Caesar or not?” 18 But Jesus, knowing their evil intent, said, “You hypocrites, why are you trying to trap me? 19 Show me the coin used for paying the tax.” They brought him a denarius, 20 and he asked them, “Whose image is this? And whose inscription?” 21 “Caesar’s,” they replied. Then he said to them, “So give back to Caesar what is Caesar’s, and to God what is God’s.” 22 When they heard this, they were amazed. So they left him and went away.

REFLECT: Have you ever been asked a question which made you feel,as my Mother used to say, ‘between the Devil and the deep blue sea’? That was the situation Jesus finds himself facing in this morning’s Gospel reading. He had been critical of the Jewish leaders in the 3 Parables he had recently told and now they were ready to get their own back. Some Pharisees [religious people] and some Herodians [political leaders] came to Jesus with a question, ‘Is it lawful for a Jew to pay taxes to Caesar?’ Not too difficult a question we may think, but it was a real, current ‘hot potato’! If Jesus said ‘Pay’, the religious people would say that he was not a good Jew, that he was encouraging people to pay tribute to a king other than God. If Jesus said ‘Don’t pay’, the political leaders would accuse him of treason against Caesar. Jesus’ answer, ‘Render unto Caesar that which is Caesar’s and unto God that which is God’s’, leaves his questioners dumbfounded! It’s a great answer; a great one liner, but it begs a few further questions. When Caesar’s requirements [the laws of men] and God’s requirements coincide, clearly, we must obey Caesar; we must pay our taxes, we must be good citizens etc. But what are we to do when the requirements of Caesar [the laws on men] encourage or allow us to compromise on the requirements of God? What if the law of love demands a different response from us than the Law of the Land? And what if the requirements of Caesar contradict or conflict with the requirements of God? What then? What if our conscience does not permit obedience to the Law of the Land? Do we have a ‘higher duty’ in such circumstances? There is much biblical precedent for ‘conscientious objection’ against the laws of men; Moses v Pharaoh, Shadrach and friends v Nebuchadnezzar, Daniel v Darius, John the Baptist v Herod and, indeed, Jesus Himself on occasion. However, if we are led to protest against or disobey the laws of men then we must be prepared to accept the consequences as did all of the biblical characters mentioned previously. But equally, there are consequences to disobeying the Laws of God. But maybe the tension for us in Jesus words may not be obeying God versus obeying Caesar; maybe it will be in obeying God rather than accepting the norms of society, family or friends? The interesting thing is that Caesar usually leaves no choice and will insist on obedience, family and friends may apply more subtle pressures, but God seeks a willing response and always leaves the choice with us! We are familiar with the term ‘conscientious objector’ as used in wartime, perhaps we need more ‘conscientious objectors’ in peacetime?

RESPOND: Can you think of any ‘real life’ situations where the laws of men conflict with or contradict or threaten to compromise the Laws of God and where people/society face moral dilemmas?

Have you experienced ‘peer group pressures’ to follow the spirit of the age rather than the Spirit of God from within your family/friendship groups/workplaces?

On a personal level, are you facing any moral dilemmas right now?

PRAY: Collect for Trinity 19 –  “O God, forasmuch as without you we are not able to please you; mercifully grant that your Holy Spirit may in all things direct and rule our hearts; through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord, who is alive and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit,one God, now and for ever. Amen”

Rev. Bill ForsterAssociate Minister

Dear Friends,

Church is OPEN this Sunday and we will be having two Services of the Word at 9.30am & 11am.                        

With current Covid 19 levels increasing rapidly in Liverpool please stay at home if you have any Covid symptoms or a cough or cold of any type.  You can still join us in worship online via our website.

Both Sunday services will be the same and last 35mins.  Children are very welcome at either service.  

Please start arriving from 30mins before the service.  You will need to wear a face mask, gel hands on arrival and sign in.  Children will need to stay with parents at all times please.  

Inside church and afterwards outside please keep 2m apart at all times.

Thank you to all of you that have come to the services and have been so positive and helpful and have sat in the pews that you have been asked to.  It is essential that we fill up each aisle from the front so as no one is walking past anybody else.  At the end of each service please remain in your pews until directed to leave.

I am sorry that this is all necessary, but it ensures the safety of everyone attending and those on duty.

Thursday Communion service – weekly at 10.45am.  There is no shared cup, only wafers which I will distribute with tongs whilst wearing a mask.  Everyone will need to wear face masks, gel hands on arrival and sign in. 

APCM – Our Annual Parochial Church Meeting is taking place on Monday 19th October starting at 8pm.

We currently have nominations completed for:

Wardens:  Alison Kefford and Barbara Critchley

Deputy Wardens: Mary Harrison and Graham Deacon

PCC members: John Groom, Adrian Carter, Chris McDonald and Sarah Swensson

Deanery Synod Reps: Adian Holmes and Keith Caulkin

APCM – Our Annual Parochial Church Meeting is taking place onMonday 19th October starting at 8pm.

We will be holding this in the large church hall and will also be holding it on Zoom at the same time.  

I have made this decision to ensure that as many people as possible can participate.  If you are able to join by Zoom please do as we will be limited to about 40 people in the large hall. 

If you do come to the hall all doors will be open for the evening.  Please come in through the main doors with a face mask on and don’t touch any doors or surfaces, gelling your hands and signing in on arrival.  You will be directed by those people on duty to plastic seats spaced apart.  The APCM minutes from last year are attached to this email as is the agenda. If you would like a copy of the Annual Report please will you email Alan Woods our Treasurer who will email you a copy.  There will be no paper copies available on the night.

At the end of the meeting you will be asked to leave by the door to the left of the stage as we will be using a one-way system.  At the end of theevening the whole hall will be fogged with a professional Room Fogging Machine to sanitise the hall.  The small hall will be closed off completely as our All Saints Playgroup are currently using it exclusively.

Zoom details to join the APCM on Monday 19th October at 8pm are:

Topic: All Saints APCM    Time: Oct 19, 2020 08:00 PM London

Join Zoom Meeting:    Meeting ID: 842 767 1496           Passcode:4allsaints

Rock Club Online Now!– Our new youth and children’s worker Gypseyhas developed new online activities for Pebbles, Rock Club & Boulders.These can be accessed on our website:    Thank you Gypsey for all you work on this!

If you would like to be kept informed and receive specific emails detailing our Youth & Children’s Worship please can you let us know by emailing

Please pray for Gypsey as she plans and develops our online provision for our Children and Young People.

Living in Isolation – C of E website – On the church of England website there are some excellent resources.  At this time of increased restrictions affecting who we can be with and where we can go we can feel increasingly isolated.  Please can I encourage you to have a look at the Church of England website and their reflection and resources called ‘Living in Isolation’.

This is an extract with the link to the page below.   It is easy to say, “You are not alone; God is with you.” It is not easy to live with isolation from the warmth of human company. However, isolation is not really, or only, about how many other people are in the room or house with us. It has more to do with who is in our hearts and minds, and how we may reach beyond the confines of rooms and homes to connect with those we love.

On the Trail: In search of hope! – This month’s community activity is brought to us by Scripture Union. On the Trail: In search of hope! is a treasure hunt for children and families that uses a series of films to create conversation and help crack a code. You will need your phone or tablet with you as videos are accessed by scanning four QR codeshidden in the church grounds. Look for the posters on the notice boards and gates for further instructions on how to get started. Can you find all the clues?  The resource is fun, interactive and engages children in exploring, walking and talking about their experiences and what they are looking forward to.  No booking is necessary. The trail can be accessed throughout October at any time apart from Sunday mornings, when the church building is being used for services.  Please act responsibly and follow government guidance on social distancing.  On the Trail is a community resource so please tell your friends.   All are welcome.  Thank you Helen for putting this together for us all to use!

Pastoral visiting – Current Government guidelines mean that we cannot visit people and go inside their homes or sit out in their gardens for a chat.  Any face to face visiting will have to happen from the front gate, and with the colder and wetter weather will need to be brief.  If you would value a chat or know anyone who would also appreciate a chat please let Helen or me know, our phone numbers and email addresses are at the bottom of this sheet, Thank you.


Care for the Family events are always very good value, well presented, enjoyable, amusing, and tackle real issues in all aspects of family and other relationships. They are practical. You will not regret listening. Please see the attached separate flyer. Thank you.

Christmas starts with Christ! – 2020 was a year unlike any other.  To protect lives our society was put on hold.  This autumn it is more important than ever that, as we make our journey towards Christmas, we find ways to share the story of the birth of Jesus, our Light and our Hope.  The Real Advent Calendar is a proven way to do this.” (Meaningful Chocolate Company). It is a fun way for parents, grandparents, Godparents and friends to share the Christmas story. Please see the attached separate flyer. Thank you.

All Saints Playgroup – All Saints’ Playgroup have a limited number of spaces available for 2 – 4yr olds.  To book a place for after half term please get in touch ASAP. At Playgroup we empower children to be leaders of their own discoveries.  We strive to engage, support, enhance and challenge them as they grow and develop.  To find out more please follow us on Instagram @all_saints_playgroup and Facebook All Saints’ Playgroup and email us to arrange a Covid compliant outdoor visit.

Weekly News – If you are aware of anyone who is not receiving all the weekly news that we are sending out please ask them to send me their email address so I can add them to our master email list.

Children’s Society Boxes –Please bring your collecting box to church and place in the box at the back of church.  Please write your name on it so it can be returned to you.  Thank you, Delia Owen

Morning Prayer

Now I have joined the All Saints community, I am trying to keep up the discipline of Morning Prayer. A small group of us have been getting together on Zoom for Morning Prayer. We meet on Monday’s and Friday’s at 8:00am. Whether you are a veteran of this type of prayer or looking to try something new, you are most welcome to join us. It is a great way to start and finish the week and helps us to stay connected. 

Please read the separate attached sheet form Helen for further information.

Weekly Prayer requests – If you would like other members of our church family to pray for you or a family member, please send me their names for this sheet, please ask permission from the person.  

We pray for all those who are unwell at this time particularly for Alan McClelland and Ann Roberts.

Tearfund Big Quiz Night scheduled for Saturday November 14thPlease put this date in your diary, more information to follow.

WEEKLY PRAYER MEETING – Weekly prayer meeting Thursday 6.30pm on Zoom. Why not join a group of us at All Saints that pray regularly. It lasts 40 minutes, you can pray, sit and listen or just contemplate. 
Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 798 5378 2379    Password: 7VUQh6        Aidan Holmes

Zoom coffee  Please note change of time to 11.15am for 40 mins – remember to bring your own coffee!  Details for Zoom coffee are as follows:

Zoom Coffee – every Sunday at 11.15am Meeting ID: 842 767 1496   Password: 4allsaints

With our prayers for you all at this time

Andrew Colmer – Vicar – Tel: 07305 842257 –

Helen Deegan – Curate – Tel: 07984 933467 –

Gypsey Tait – Youth & Children’s Worker – Tel: 07961 793435 –

Bill Forster – Associate Minister

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