Sunday 7th April 2024 All Saints Church, Childwall
‘Peace be with you. As the Father has sent me, so I send you’ John 20 v21 Thursday 11th April 10.45am Holy Communion BCP service
Thursday 18th April 10.45am Holy Communion BCP service
Sunday 7th April 9.15am Morning Worship 11am Holy Communion
6pm Evening worship in the church hall followed by tea & coffee
Friday 12th April 12.30pm Funeral of Ann Deane in church
2.15pm Funeral of Arthur Steel at Springwood Crematorium
Sunday 14th April 9.15am Holy Communion 11am Morning Worship (NO Parade)
6pm Evening worship in the church hall followed by tea & coffee
Sunday 21st April 9.15am Morning worship 11am All age worship – BB Battalion service
6pm Communion service with prayers for reconciliation and healing
in the church hall followed by tea & coffee
BOOKWORMS – Monday 8th April at 7.30pm
Bookworms is our Church bi-monthly reading group.
We are open to all, not just Church members.
It’s a great opportunity to discuss a book and listen to other people’s opinions. One of the most commonly heard comments is:
I would never have read that book if I hadn’t come to Bookworms.
We will be looking at ‘My Name is Why’ by Lemn Sissay. A true story about growing up in care in Wigan.
Val Yates or Helen Ford would be happy to tell you more about our reading group
Mother’s Union
Tuesday 9th April at 2pm in the church hall
All are very welcome. Sue Watterson Branch Leader
Men’s Breakfast
Saturday 13th April at 8am in the church hall
Please come and join us for breakfast, bacon sandwiches this month
A great time of fellowship together and a short reflection this week by Adrian Carter
Ending with a song and prayer. Aidan Holmes 07563736150
Our Springtime TEA@2 will take place on Wednesday 17th April at 2.00pm
This is an opportunity to meet up with others,
maybe meet some new people, drink tea, eat cake and chat. Everyone is welcome. Come along a bring and friend or neighbour as well.
If anyone needs a lift please contact Helen Ford on 0151 428 9153
All Saints Missional Youth Worker
I am delighted to be able to share with you all that we have appointed
John McCreadie to be our full time Youth Missional Worker at All Saints Childwall
John is currently working for Wirral Youth for Christ and is hopefully going to be joining us by the 1st May 2024
Please pray for John and his wife Sian and their son Asher as they move to All Saints
SATURDAY 11TH MAY FROM 2PM – Put the date in your diary and start baking! Please see the flyer at the bottom of this sheet for further information
Storytime is a baby & toddler fellowship group run by volunteers from All Saints
We meet in the church hall from 10 – 11.30am every Monday during term time. We play, craft, read, sing songs and enjoy drinks and snacks
We are blessed with a high attendance and need more volunteers
If you are free on a Monday morning (during term time) from 9.30am and would like to help or would like more information, please speak to
Elizabeth Martin (07970 937801) or Hannah Fearon (07528 177969)
Morning Prayer
Did you know that All Saints have a regular online service of Morning Prayer on Monday and Friday mornings?
Starting at 8am for around 30 minutes, this is a great way to begin your day.
We use the Common Worship service format (shared by Anglican Christians around the world!), focussing on God’s will for our lives, praying for the congregation and the parish of All Saints Childwall.
In 2 Chronicles 7:14 it says “if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.”
Why not join us? It is a great way to connect with other members of the congregation, and participate in life of the church through fellowship and prayer.
On Zoom ID: 948 786 2454 Passcode: 4allsaints
Our Springtime TEA@2 will take place on Wednesday 17th April at 2.00pm
This is an opportunity to meet up with others,
maybe meet some new people, drink tea, eat cake and chat. Everyone is welcome. Come along and bring a friend or neighbour as well.
If anyone needs a lift please contact Helen Ford on 0151 428 9153
Thanks for all your generous donations for Meaty March.
Each month we will be targeting items that the Foodbank are short of.
So this month it’s APRIL SHOWERS
Can you give any shower gel, shampoo, deodorant, soap,
toothpaste or feminine hygiene products. Please leave them in the box in the porch.
Thanks again, Aidan Holmes. 07563736150
Gas & Electricity – new fixed contract for church and hall
As a PCC we have agreed a new fixed contract for our gas & electricity.
The additional total cost for this year will £7552 more than we are currently paying. This is a significant increase and we do not want this to have a
negative impact on the current ministry of All Saints Childwall.
Thank you so much to all of you that have given £50 towards the increased energy costs.
We have received over 70 gifts so far.
Please prayerfully consider if you can join us and give an additional amount.
Any amount towards the increased cost of our energy bill will obviously be very welcome.
If you are a tax payer we are able to claim the tax back which will increase the value of your gift. Please see the stewardship table at the back of church for further information.
Thank you – PCC of All Saints Childwall
It is great to hear our bells ringing again, but we need more ringers to join our band. Are you a lapsed ringer or someone who would like to learn?
Please contact our Tower Captain Alex Young on 07780 597394
Practice is normally Tuesday evening from 7.30pm-9.00pm.
All Saints’ Prayer Partners Scheme
All Saints church has been running a Prayer Partner Scheme for the last 35-40
years, in which Prayer Partners provide prayer support for people and groups ministering in the life of the church. After changes of personnel in recent times the scheme needs updating. Sue Watterson has been the coordinator for 14 years, but feels it is time to hand over to somebody else, who can provide fresh ideas and energy. David Holland has volunteered to take over.
If you have been in the church for some time or have only recently joined and can see this as something you would like to do, please contact David Holland. The idea is that the Prayer Partners will keep in touch with the person or group they are praying for. How regularly you offer prayer will be up to you. Existing Prayer Partners will be asked to affirm their continuing commitment.
For further information contact: David Holland
Tel: 07939 145524 Email:
Vestry hour will resume on 20th April and is held every Tuesday from 7pm in church
To book a Baptism or a Wedding or speak to a member of the clergy, please come to Vestry Hour which is held in the church every Tuesday, no appointment is necessary. Please use the wooden door to the left of the tower. You do not need to knock; just come in, take a seat and you will be seen privately in turn.
Your Church family needs You!
Please prayerfully consider whether you would be willing to stand as a Warden or Deputy Warden.
Weekly Church prayer meeting – Thursday 6.30pm on Zoom for 40 minutes.
Please note joining ID. Meeting ID: 880 238 0315
Passcode: yt76bq
Weekly Prayer requests – We pray for all those who are unwell at this time: David Miller, Keith Caulkin, Ken Hughes, Ken Swallow, Edna Cowan, Stephen Skelhorn, Maureen Alcock, Joyce Willan, Joan Anderton, Joy Swallow, Pete Norton, Julie Fadden, Trevor Parry, Richie Gray and Lorraine Riding. We pray for the bereaved family & friends of: Joyce Duffy,
Kirsty Graham, Joan Marwing, Ann Deane and Arthur Steel.
Andrew Colmer – Vicar – Tel: 07305 842257 –
Bill Forster – Associate Minister –
Adeyinka Olushonde – Curate – Tel: 07300 885515
TO BE HELD IN THE CHURCH HALL (opposite church)
The aim is to gather and build area intelligence with details from Childwall residents about suspected crime in the area.
You can attend and pass on details (anonymously if you wish) of suspected crime around the area. It would be helpful to provide details of suspected perpetrators e.g. name, address, car number plates, pictures/video/ CCTV, etc.
This is more likely to lead to building a specific intelligence picture that action might be able to be taken with.
The surgery is not for victims to make official crime reports to the police. This should be done through official systems by calling 999 if urgent, or 101.
It is quicker and more precise to go to
use the big Blue Report button on the left.
Justin Coombs Community Support Officer
Saturday 11th May 2024
1.45pm in Church Hall (Judging starts at 2pm) Whether you are a baker or just like ea:ng cake come and join us
for a fun a=ernoon.
If you plan to enter, please bring your home-made cakes to the church hall between 12 and 1.30pm.
There will be a Star Baker award and runner-up prize for both age groups.
There are 2 categories for the bakers: 1. Adults & teenagers
- Under 12 years age
Our judges include Chef Dave Critchley, who is one of the best known chefs in the North West. He found fame on BBC’s Great Bri:sh Menu.
Tea, coffee and juice will be provided whilst judging takes place then a=er the prize giving, cakes will be eaten!
There will be games and ac:vi:es for the children.
To enter Bake-Off either add your name to the list at the back of church or email mary.harrison32@virginmedia or for more detail ask Barbara Kelly 07900560957 or Mary Harrison 07817471857